T&L workshops facilitated

In this section I discuss workshops on teaching and learning that I have designed and facilitated (or co-designed and co-facilitated).

 Workshops facilitated at UBC

  • Co-facilitated a workshop on teaching for global citizenship in January 2009, for UBC’s Centre for Teaching, Learning and Technology. This workshop was focused on part of the Road to Global Citizenship workbook, which I also contributed to. We talked about choosing and organizing course content in ways that promote global citizenship, and asked participants to work on revising their own courses accordingly.
  • Co-designed and co-facilitated a workshop at the Centre for Teaching, Learning and Technology at UBC called “Mixing it Up: Collaborating Across the Disciplines” in May, 2012. In this workshop numerous people involved in interdisciplinary teaching at UBC spoke about their experiences, and we invited participants to discuss how they might also incorporate more interdisciplinarity in their teaching.
  • 14093093103_f9c31b520a_z
    A response at OER 14 conference, Flickr photo shared by E. Livermore, licensed CC BY 2.0

    Designed and facilitated a workshop at UBC on open education: what it is, and the benefits and drawbacks of teaching and learning in the open. CTLT Summer Institute, May 2014. There was also a panel presentation by numerous people at UBC doing projects in open education. Participants were invited to discuss benefits and drawbacks of teaching and learning in the open, and how they might incorporate open education in some aspects of their courses. Agenda and resources for this workshop can be found here: http://blogs.ubc.ca/chendricks/2014/07/02/workshop-open-education-june-2014/

  • Co-presented, with Will Engle and Jon Festinger, on “Engaging Students with Open Educational Resources,” CTLT Institute, May 2015. We discussed the pedagogical benefits of using and creating open educational resources, and participants then discussed how they might use, create, or have their students create OER in their courses. See this blog post for slides as well as the agenda for the session, and more: http://blogs.ubc.ca/chendricks/2015/06/13/engaging-students-with-oer/


Extended courses facilitated at UBC

  • Co-facilitated a six-week blended professional development workshop (partly face-to-face, partly online) on “Teaching in a Blended Learning Environment” at UBC, February-March 2015. Participants in this course not only read and discussed information about best practices in teaching blended (online and face-to-face courses), they also developed a blended module for one of their courses. Information about this course can be found here: http://ctlt.ubc.ca/programs/all-our-programs/tble/


Open Online Courses facilitated

Open Online Experience 2013-2014

From January-March 2013 I took an open online course called ETMOOC: Educational Technology and Media MOOC (http://etmooc.org). Through that course I met numerous people that I still collaborate with today, and a group of us got together to create a similar kind of open online course for educators, this time focused on the K-12 context.

cropped-Gweb_Logo21We called it the Open Online Experience 2013-2014, and it ran for a full academic year (September to May). We ran it as a professional development course for K-12 teachers, which they could do little by little over the course of their year. This course was truly a collaborative effort: there were over twenty people actively working on various sections of the course. We each signed up for one month to act as facilitators (there could be more than one facilitator per month), and anyone who wanted to also contributed to designing the course more generally (such as the course website, the badges we gave, the general structure for each month, and more).

I was in charge of the month focused on Open Education (April, 2014). I hosted two webinars and two Twitter chats during that month; only one webinar was recorded due to technical difficulties with the other:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yEIszgscu-U. The twitter chats are archived here: https://storify.com/clhendricksbc/ooe13-twitter-chat-on-open-education and here: https://storify.com/clhendricksbc/ooe13-tweet-chat-on-oer-april-23-2014. You can see our archived course website, here: http://www.ooe13.org/. We did all our planning for this course openly as well; a comprehensive record of that can be found on our Google Plus OOE13 planning group page: https://plus.google.com/communities/105390213112733716958.


Why Open?

I was part of a team of people who designed and facilitated an open online course through the School of Open at Peer 2 Peer University (https://courses.p2pu.org/en/) called “Why Open?”, which ran during August 2013 (https://courses.p2pu.org/en/courses/588/why-open/) and again in August 2014 (https://courses.p2pu.org/en/courses/2314/why-open/).

P2PU School of Open Logo licensed  CC-BY-SA 4.0
P2PU School of Open Logo licensed CC-BY-SA 4.0

This course focused on what openness is, in various domains such as research, education, data, software, and more. We also discussed the benefits and drawbacks of openness in these domains. I hosted several Twitter chats during the two iterations of this course. It’s easiest just to go to my Storify page and click on the chats marked #WhyOpen to see these: https://storify.com/clhendricksbc. You can see all our discussions in the 2014 version of this course here: https://discourse.p2pu.org/c/why-open. And finally, I hosted one webinar with an open education expert (David Wiley) during this course, as well as two Google Hangouts with participants, all of which you can see in this YouTube playlist: http://is.gd/whyopenvideos


Teaching with WordPress

I was part of the design and facilitation team for “Teaching with WordPress,” an open online course about using WordPress for education that ran in June 2015. See the website for this course here: http://blogs.ubc.ca/teachwordpress

Screen shot from the Teaching with WordPress site
Screen shot from the Teaching with WordPress site

This four-week course focused on the nature and value of openness; the ways one can use WordPress for content presentation, discussions, assessments; setting up the site architecture in a user-friendly way; and more. It was run as a “connectivist” open online course, which meant that the focus was less on the facilitators providing all the content and knowledge, and more on participants connecting with each other to problem solve and learn from each other. This slide from one of my presentations summarizes the main characteristics of connectivist open online courses:

See also this blog post for more on connectivist courses: http://blogs.ubc.ca/chendricks/2013/02/21/mooc-by-another-name/
See also this blog post for more on connectivist courses: http://blogs.ubc.ca/chendricks/2013/02/21/mooc-by-another-name/

My role in this course included helping to design the content and activities, commenting on participants’ work, and hosting two synchronous online video sessions, which you can see in the first two videos of this YouTube playlist: http://is.gd/twpvideos