
About this site

This is a teaching and learning portfolio for Christina Hendricks at the University of British Columbia-Vancouver. Here you can find information about my teaching, educational leadership, and service, along with documents related to those.

This site was created in 2015 as part of my dossier for promotion to Professor of Teaching. There have been a few updates since then, but mostly this is a historical archive. Please see my main website for more updated information: christinahendricks.ca

About me

I am a Professor of Teaching in the Philosophy Department at the University of British Columbia. I am in the Educational Leadership faculty stream at UBC, which is focused on teaching rather than research. In Philosophy I teach courses in Introduction to Philosophy, Ethics, Continental Philosophy, and Feminist Theory. I also teach in a first-year, team-taught, interdisciplinary program at UBC called Arts One. From 2010-2012, and 2015-2017, I served/am serving as Chair of the Arts One program.

The teaching part of doing Philosophy has always been what energizes me the most, and what I enjoy spending the most time doing. As a graduate student at the University of Texas at Austin, I jumped at the chance to teach my own courses as soon as I could, and I also took a job as an adjunct instructor at St. Edward’s University in Austin to get more teaching experience, while still a graduate student. After earning my PhD I taught for four years as an Assistant Professor of Philosophy at the University of Wisconsin-Rock County in Janesville, Wisconsin — part of the University of Wisconsin Colleges system. While there I enjoyed being in an atmosphere where teaching quality is a priority. I continually worked to reach the level of teaching excellence displayed in my peers there. When I came to the University of British Columbia I was challenged to be teaching larger classes than I was used to in the past, and very bright and dedicated Philosophy majors (UW-Rock County is a 2-year, transfer college of the UW system, and few chose majors before transferring…but I was happy to see that I helped several students choose Philosophy majors in their further university careers).

My position at UBC is focused on and evaluated according to teaching, educational leadership, and service, and as part of my educational leadership I also engage in research on teaching and learning. I continue to be excited about learning how to improve my teaching through better lecturing, discussions, assignments, and considering which new technologies might be most useful in the classroom.

Background image

“Lightly textured background tile” by V. Hartikainen, from The Free Gallery of Tile-able Website Backgrounds, licensed CC BY 3.0