My service record includes service to the Philosophy Department, the Arts One Program, the University, and the wider scholarly and teaching community. In what follows I highlight just a few of the things I have done in each area. The full list can be found on my CV (see here for a link to the most recent PDF of my full CV).
Department of Philosophy
- Ad hoc committee on the merit policy, Department of Philosophy, UBC, Spring 2016-present
- Coordinator, T.A. Training Program, Department of Philosophy, University of British Columbia, Fall 2009-Spring 2010 and also 2016-2018
- I planned workshops on teaching and learning for T.A.’s in the department, and facilitated some of them myself.
- Curriculum renewal committee, Department of Philosophy, UBC, Fall 2013-present (ongoing)
- This committee developed a draft set of program outcomes for the Philosophy B.A. degree, and is also working on renewing the undergraduate curriculum.
- Ad hoc committee on pedagogical initiatives, Department of Philosophy, UBC, Fall 2014-Spring 2015
- This committee was struck to keep abreast of pedagogical initiatives and innovations at UBC and beyond, and report to the department as necessary.
- Member, UBC Department of Philosophy Task Force on the Status of Women, Spring 2011
- Because of concerns about the gender imbalance amongst our majors, this committee was struck to investigate research on possible causes and gather data from our own students (including a survey) to see what we might do to help address the problem.
Arts One Program
- I served as the Chair of Arts One from 2010-2012, and am doing so again from 2015-2017. See the “Arts One Chair” page under the Educational Leadership section of my teaching and learning dossier for more information.
- I manage the Arts One Open website: posting lecture recordings and essay topics, connecting student and faculty blog posts, Fall 2014-present (ongoing)
- Member of First Year Programs advisory committee in the Faculty of Arts, UBC, 2014-2016
- As Arts One Chair, I am also working with other Chairs of First Year Programs in Arts at UBC, on things such as developing program objectives, creating a pilot program to help promote academic integrity in first-year writing courses, and more.
- Arts One Advisory Committee, 2008-2010
- Arts One External Review Preparation Committee, University of British Columbia, Spring 2009-Fall 2009
Faculty of Arts
- Member of the Faculty of Arts Curriculum Committee, Fall 2014-present. We review and comment on proposals for curriculum changes from departments and programs.
- I am Chair of the Arts Curriculum Committee from Summer 2017-Summer 2019
- I serve as a peer reviewer of teaching for other faculty members in the Faculty of Arts, 2014-present.
- I served as Chair of theĀ UBC Instructor Network Leadership Team, Summer 2016-Summer 2017. I was a member of this team from Summer 2010-Summer2017.
- This committee plans events of interest to faculty at UBC who are in the “educational leadership” stream (the teaching-focused stream). We also sometimes engage in advocacy around issues of import to teaching faculty members.
- I was the co-facilitator for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Community of Practice at UBC, January 2014-Summer 2017.
- We organize meetings of the Community of Practice about three times per year, sometimes with guest speakers, sometimes with discussions amongst ourselves, sometimes with presentations by the facilitators.
- I gave a presentation and facilitated a discussion about student evaluations of teaching at UBC in April 2015.
- I served as an external reviewer of a dossier for the International Program for the Scholarship of Educational Leadership: UBC Certificate on Curriculum and Pedagogy in Higher Education program (, April 2016
Larger scholarly and teaching community
- Member of the American Philosophical Association Committee on the Teaching of Philosophy, Summer 2011-Summer 2014. While a member I also planned and facilitated two sessions by this committee at annuals meetings of the American Philosophical Association:
- Organized a panel on open online courses in philosophy at the APA Pacific Division meeting, San Diego, California, April 2014.
- Organized a panel on the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in Philosophy at the APA Pacific Division meeting, Seattle, Washington, April 2012.
- Member of the Board, American Association of Philosophy Teachers, January 2015-present (
- I was also Chair of the Teaching and Learning Committee for this association, Jan. 2015-Dec. 2016. This committee is charged with organizing 1-3 day workshops on teaching and learning in philosophy, held several times a year in various locations in North America.
- I organized and facilitated a session for AAPT at the Pacific Division meeting of the American Philosophical Association in Spring 2016 and again in Spring 2017.
- Member of the planning committee for the WPcampus conferences, Fall 2015-Fall 2016. WPcampus is an organization made up of people who are interested in using WordPress in higher education.
- I am a reviewer for the following journals:
- The International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning, 2017-present
- Teaching and Learning Inquiry, the journal of the International Association for Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 2014-present
- Philosophy and Social Criticism, 2008-present
- Hypatia: A Journal of Feminist Philosophy, 2002-present