Christina Hendricks

Curriculum Vitae

Here is a PDF version of my full CV, current as of July 2022. Below is a selection of items from that full CV.

Table of Contents

Positions Held

2016-current Professor of Teaching (Philosophy); University of British Columbia-Vancouver
2010-2016  Senior Instructor (Philosophy);  University of British Columbia-Vancouver
2005-2010  Instructor I (Philosophy);  University of British Columbia-Vancouver
2004-2005  Assistant Professor Without Review (Philosophy); University of British Columbia; Vancouver, BC, Canada
2000-2004 Assistant Professor (Philosophy);  University of Wisconsin-Rock County; Janesville, Wisconsin, U.S.A.
1999-2000 Adjunct Instructor (Philosophy);  St. Edward’s University;  Austin, Texas, U.S.A.
1997-2000 Assistant Instructor (Philosophy);  University of Texas at Austin, U.S.A.


Ph.D., 2000 Philosophy, University of Texas at Austin
Dissertation: “Prophets in Exile:  A Diagnosis of Michel Foucault’s Political Intellectual”
Co-Supervisors:  Dr. Kelly Oliver and Dr. Kathleen Higgins

M.A., 1996 Philosophy, University of Texas at Austin
Master’s Thesis:  “The Politics of Difference and the Role of the Intellectual in Michel Foucault and Julia Kristeva”
Supervisor:  Dr. Kelly Oliver

B.A., 1991 Philosophy and Political Science, University of Idaho, summa cum laude

Areas of Research

Michel Foucault
Scholarship of Teaching and Learning: peer feedback on writing, open education

Areas of Teaching

Introduction to Philosophy, Continental Philosophy, Moral Theory, Interdisciplinary Humanities

Courses Taught

University of British Columbia (2004-present)

Arts One – first year multidisciplinary, team-taught course
Continental Philosophy Seminar
Introduction to Moral Theory
Introduction to Philosophy
Introduction to Women’s Studies
Power and Oppression
Sex, Gender and Philosophy
Social and Political Philosophy

Assistant Professor, University of Wisconsin – Rock County (2000-2004)

Introduction to Philosophy
Ethics (Theoretical and Applied)
Logic (introductory-level informal and symbolic)
Social and Political Philosophy
Philosophy of the Arts (interdisciplinary course)
Human Nature, Religion and Society
First-Year Seminar

Adjunct Instructor, St. Edward’s University (1999-2000)

Ethical Analysis (Theoretical Ethics)
Business Ethics

Assistant Instructor, University of Texas at Austin (1997-2000)

(independent teaching responsibility for these courses)

Introduction to Philosophy
Contemporary Moral Problems
Business Ethics
Introduction to the Philosophy of the Arts


Edited Books

Introduction to Philosophy Open Textbook Series

Matthews, G. (Book Editor), and Hendricks, C. (Series Editor). (2019). Introduction to Philosophy: Ethics. Rebus Community.

Salazar, H. (Book Editor), and Hendricks, C. (Series Editor). (2019). Introduction to Philosophy: Philosophy of Mind. Rebus Community.

Branson, B. (Book Editor), and Hendricks, C. (Series Editor). (2020). Introduction to Philosophy: Philosophy of Religion. Rebus Community.

Martin, B. (Book Editor), and Hendricks, C. (Series Editor). (2020). Introduction to Philosophy: Logic. Rebus Community

Barnett, B. (Book Editor), and Hendricks, C. (Series Editor). (2021). Introduction to Philosophy: Epistemology. Rebus Community.

Vino, V. (Book Editor), and Hendricks, C. (Series Editor). (2021). Introduction to Philosophy: Aesthetic Theory and Practice. Rebus Community

Other Edited Books

Hendricks, C. and Oliver, K. (Eds.) (1999). Language and liberation: Feminism, philosophy and language. New York: SUNY Press. The Introduction by Christina Hendricks and Kelly Oliver can be found here:

Refereed Articles

Morgan, T., Childs, E., Hendricks, C., Harrison, M., DeVries, I., and Jhangiani, R. (2021). How are we doing with Open Educational Practice Initiatives? Applying an institutional self-assessment tool in five higher education institutions. The International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning, 22(4), 125-140.

Ross, H.M., Hendricks, C., Mowat, V. (2018). Open textbooks in an Introduction to Sociology course in Canada: Student views and completion rates. Open Praxis, 10(4). (open access)

Hendricks, C., Reinsberg, S. and Rieger, G. (2017). The adoption of an open textbook in a large physics course: An analysis of cost, outcomes, use, and perceptions. International Review of Open and Distributed Learning, 18(4). doi: (open access)

Ozdemir, O. and Hendricks, C. (2017). Instructor and student experiences with open textbooks, from the California Open Online Library for Education. The Journal of Computing in Higher Education, 29(1), 98-113. doi: 10.1007/s12528-017-9138-0 (open access)

Hendricks, C. (2015). Teaching and learning philosophy in the open. American Association of Philosophy Teachers, Studies in Pedagogy, 1, 17-32. DOI: 10.5840/aaptstudies20159162 See a pre-publication version of Teaching and Learning Philosophy in the Open.

Hendricks, C. (2008). Foucault’s Kantian critique: Philosophy and the present. Philosophy and Social Criticism, 34(4), 357-382. ttps:// See a pre-publication version of Foucault’s Kantian Critique.

Hendricks, C. (2002). The author[‘s] remains: Foucault and the demise of the ‘author-function.’ Philosophy Today, 46(2), 152-169. See a pre-publication version of The Author[‘s] Remains.

Non-refereed Articles (invited)

Hendricks, C. (2003). The philosopher as anthropologist: Foucault’s genealogy of our enlightenment legacy.” Listening: A Journal of Religion and Culture, 37(2), 84-115.

Book Chapters

Hendricks, C. (2012). Prophecy and parrêsia: Foucauldian critique and the political role of intellectuals. In R. Sonderegger and K. de Boer (Eds.), Conceptions of Critique in Modern and Contemporary Philosophy (pp. 212-230). Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan.

Spellman-Cann, S., Luong, E., Hendricks, C. and Roberts, V. (2016). Social learning in online environments. In W. Kilgore (Ed.), Humanizing Online Teaching and Learning. Published as an open access book online:

Conference Proceedings (refereed)

Hendricks, C. (2010). Core texts as critical history: How studying works by dead white men can be radical. In P.T. Flynn, J.-M. Kruth, J.K. Doyle, and J.S. Lee (Eds.), Substance, judgment and evaluation: Seeking the worth of a liberal arts, core text education [Selected papers from the twelfth annual conference of the Association for Core Texts and Courses] (pp. 113-119). Lanham, MD: University Press of America. A pre-publication version of this article is available here: ACTC 2006 preprint (PDF)

Hendricks, C. (2006). Trust and suspicion in critical thinking as transcendence. Philosophy of Education Yearbook 2006, 295-302. Available online:

Hendricks, C. (1997). Fluidizing the mirror: Feminism and identity through Kristeva’s looking glass. Philosophy Today, 41(Suppl.), 79-89. A pre-publication version of this article can be found here: FluidizingMirror1997 The journal article itself can be found on the journal website, here.


Jhangiani, R.S., Pitt, R., Hendricks, C., Key, J., Lalonde, C. (2016). Exploring faculty use of open educational resources at British Columbia post-secondary institutions. [Report]. BCcampus. Retrieved from

Invited Talks (beyond UBC)

Invited panelist for a panel called Future of Learning Technology, BC Educational Technology Users Group Spring Meeting, online.

“Student perceptions of writing open case studies: A work (very much) in progress” (Lightning talk). Open Education Research Institute, Kwantlen Polytechnic University, May 2021 (online). I was also invited to be a mentor for an affinity group that met three times during the week of the Institute.

Invited to give a workshop and participate in a panel discussion on open educational resources, University of Lethbridge, October 20, 2020 (presented remotely).

“It’s Not Only About the Money: Open Educational Resources and Practices.” Invited talk as part of the Open Art Histories event at Langara College, Vancouver, BC, January 31, 2020.

Invited to speak about educational leadership and the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) at Lakehead University, Thunder Bay, Ontario, November 14-15, 2019.

“Getting Started with OER: What, Why and Some Mythbusting.” Keynote address at the Bridging Open Education and Faculty Development event at the Justice Institute of BC, Vancovuer, BC, November 7, 2019.

“Open Educational Practices: What, Why, and How,” invited presentation to faculty and staff, Langara College, Vancouver, BC, September 19, 2019.

“Beyond Cost Savings: The Value of OER and Open Pedagogy for Student Learning.” Keynote address during Open Education Week at Mt. Royal University, Calgary, Alberta, March 9, 2018.

“Students and Open Education: From the What to the How and Why (and When not).” Keynote address at the eCampus Ontario Technology Enhanced Seminar and Showcase, November 20-21, 2017.

“What’s Open about Open Pedagogy?”, invited presentation at Douglas College (New Westminster, BC), as part of Open Access Week, October 26, 2017. Slides and video from this lecture can be seen on my blog.

Invited to speak to faculty at the University of Washington-Bothell (USA) for their Elearning Symposium called “Learning Everywhere,” July 26, 2017. I spoke virtually to about 20 faculty and staff on “Teaching and Learning on the Go: Students and Faculty.”

Invited to be part of a virtual meeting of people sharing their stories of how they got involved in open education, as part of the 101 Open Stories Project. See the video recording on the 101 Open Stories site.

Invited to speak on a panel as part of a joint UBC-SFU event for Open Education Week called “The Failure of Access: Rethinking Open Education,” March 28, 2017. I was on a panel of four people who each spoke for 5-10 minutes. Slides and video from this event.

Invited to give a webinar about the Open Case Studies Project, as part of the BCcampus series on open education in BC. February 2017. Here are video and slides from this presentation.

Invited to give a lecture on Foucault for the Vancouver Institute of Social Research, a series of free lectures on critical theory, April 2015. The title of my talk was “Foucault on Beheading the Sovereign.”

Conference Presentations

Teaching and Learning Workshops and Presentations


Co-facilitated a workshop with Joseph Topornycky on “Engaging Online Teaching,” CTLT Spring Institute, June 2, 2022. Slides and worksheets are available on the UBC Wiki page for the 2022 CTLT Spring Institute sessions.

Co-developed and co-facilitated a workshop with Surita Jhangiani, Firas Moosvi, and Jaclyn Stewart, “Implementing Alternative Grading Practices,” CTLT Institute, June 2022.

Co-organized, with Surita Jhangiani, Firas Moosvi, and Jaclyn Stewart, a set of lightning talks on alternative grading, UBC Celebrate Learning Week, May 2022

Co-facilitated a workshop with Tanya Forneris, Stephanie McKeown, and Abdel Azim Zumrawi, “Student Experience of Instruction: New University Module Questions,” CTLT Summer Institute, August 26, 2021.

Co-facilitated a workshop with Alison Wong and Abdel-Azim Zumrawi, “Student Experience of Instruction: A Focus on New Metrics and Reported Statistics,” CTLT Spring Institute, June 10, 2021.

Presented, with Will Engle and Christina Ilnitchi, on “Open Educational Practices: Aligning Teaching and Learning with Research Practices,” at a day-long event on open scholarship at UBC, Sept. 29, 2017. Slides from this talk can be seen here:

Co-facilitated a workshop with Peter James and Jonathan Verrett on Copyright and Open Educational Resources, at the Summer Institute at CTLT, August 2017. Slides from this workshop can be seen here:

Co-facilitated a workshop with Afsaneh Sharif and Jenny Peterson called “Introduction to Inclusive Learning and Teaching Environments,” at the Summer Institute at CTLT, August 2017. See the CTLT events website for an event description.

Co-facilitated a workshop with Robert Crawford on using blogs in teaching, for the Faculty of Arts ISIT workshop series, September 2016. A description of this workshop can be found on the Arts ISIT website.

Co-facilitated a workshop on getting started with SoTL, with Silvia Bartolic, Adrianna Briseno-Garzon, and Ido Roll. The workshop was called “Teaching as Research: Evaluating Your Practice Through the Lens of SoTL,” and was held in August 2016. Slides from this workshop are on Google Slides.

Co-facilitated a series of workshops on open education with Erin Fields (Library), Lucas Wright and Cindy Underhill (both from CTLT), called “Open For Learning,” 2015-2016. Please see this blog post for more on these workshops:

  • “Open for Learning: Exploring the Possibilities for Your Classroom,” CTLT Winter Institute, December 7, 2015. In this workshop we introduced people to finding and using open educational resources, as well as involving students in producing work in the open.
  • “Open for Learning: Using and Remixing Open Resources in Your Courses,” CTLT, February 9, 2016. In this workshop we talked about how to find and revise open educational resources for use in teaching.
  • “Open for Learning: Teaching in the Open,” CTLT, March 24, 2016. In this workshop we discussed how one might open up one’s teaching practice, such as through asking students to produce public and openly-licensed work (e.g., public blog posts, Wikipedia articles).
  • “Engaging Students in Scholarly Practice”, CTLT, October 27, 2016. In this workshop we discussed the possibilities provide by open practices and open platforms for engaging students in scholarly practices beyond the classroom (such as producing work that is publicly viewable and reusable).
  • “Open Practices: Wikipedia-Based Assignments in Your Classroom,” CTLT, December 8, 2016. In this workshop we discussed the benefits and challenges of asking students to contribute to Wikipedia in class assignments, and discussed examples of some UBC courses that have done so. Slides from this workshop are on Google Slides.

Co-presented on “Engaging Students with Open Educational Resources,” with Farnaz Badiee, Will Engle, Shawnna Parlongo, Daniel Munro, Jenna Omassi and Shawnna Parlongo. CTLT Fall Institute, August 2015.

Co-presented on “Increasing Student Engagement Through Open Educational Resources,” with Will Engle and Jon Festinger, at the CTLT Spring Institute at UBC, May 2015. Slides and a wiki page for this presentation can be seen on my blog.

Participated in a debate about the value of MOOCs for higher education during Open Access Week at UBC, Oct. 29, 2014. Slides from this presentation, and a description of the event, can be found on my blog.

Planned and facilitated a workshop on open education at the Centre for Teaching, Learning and Technology’s Summer Institute, May 2014. Information on this workshop can be found on the UBC wiki.

Gave a presentation entitled “Open Education: From Connectivist MOOCs to UBC” during UBC’s Open Education Week, October 2013. In this presentation I spoke briefly about open education and connectivist MOOCs, and focused on two ways I was involved in open education at UBC: participating in “Arts One Open,” an online extension of Arts One, and putting all my course materials on the open web, as well as having students blog publicly, in my Philosophy 102 course. Slides from this presentation are available on Slideshare.

Gave a presentation on “Open Education and Connectivist MOOCs” at the CTLT Institute at UBC in May, 2013. I spoke about what open education is and explained what a “connectivist” Massive Open Online Course is. The slides from this workshop can be found on Slideshare.

Beyond UBC

Co-designed and co-facilitated an “icon jam” workshop with Rajiv Jhangiani for the Creativity in the Open event at Thompson Rivers University, October 23-24, 2017.

Gave a presentation on open leadership for an open, online course for educators in Alberta, October 2019.

Co-facilitated a workshop on using audio in teaching at “Soundcamp” at Thompson Rivers University in Kamloops, BC, August 2013. Information about this workshop can be found at the Soundcamp website.

Longer Teaching and Learning Courses Facilitated

Co-designed and co-facilitated an open online course on “Teaching with WordPress,” June 2015. This four-week course was hosted by UBC and the Centre for Teaching, Learning and Technology, but was free and open to anyone who wanted to join, from anywhere in the world. It helped people design course websites and use teaching tools on the WordPress platform. See

Co-facilitated a six-week blended workshop (partly face-to-face, partly online) on “Teaching in a Blended Learning Environment” at UBC, February-March 2015.

Co-organized and co-facilitated an open online course on openness called “Why Open?” at Peer 2 Peer University, August 2013 and August 2014. This course introduced the topic of “open,” including open education, open data, open access publishing, and more, and engaged participants in discussions of the benefits and drawbacks of working in the open. See the following website:

Co-organized an open online course in educational technology for teachers called “Open Online Experience 2013-2014.” This course ran from Sept. 2013 to May 2014, and covered topics such as connected learning, digital literacy, digital storytelling, and open education. I helped organize the whole course as well as specifically the month on openness and open education. See the following website:

Awards, fellowships, grants

Killam Teaching Award, UBC, 2016

Received a fellowship to do research on open textbooks with the Open Education Group, 2015-2017.

Served as a Faculty Fellow with the BCcampus Open Textbook Project from 2014-2015. Please see this article for more information on the Faculty Fellows program. I also wrote a report on my time as a BCcampus Faculty Fellow, which can be seen in this blog post.

UBC Teaching and Learning Enhancement Fund small grant (co-investigator)–for developing a new tool for watching educational videos, 2015-2016

UBC Teaching and Learning Enhancement Fund large grant (co-investigator)–for developing a new tool for watching educational videos, 2016-2018

UBC Teaching and Learning Enhancement Fund small grant (co-investigator)–for developing a set of Open Educational Resources at UBC: the Open Case Studies project, 2016-2019

UBC Centre for Teaching, Learning and Technology, SoTL Seed Grant, 2014-2015

UBC Centre for Teaching, Learning and Technology, Research Grant as part of participation in the Faculty Certificate Program in the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, UBC, 2011-2012

Department of Philosophy Teaching Award, University of Texas, 1998, 1997

P.E.O. Scholar Award, University of Texas, 1996