T&L grants

Here are the grants I’ve written and received that have to do with work in teaching and learning.

Scholarship of Teaching and Learning research projects

See the SoTL page for information on these projects.

  • I received $2000 as part of my acceptance into the UBC SoTL Faculty Certificate program (http://international.educ.ubc.ca/sotl/), to pay a research assistant to help with a survey I did in Arts One in 2012.
  • I received $5000 from the Institute for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning at UBC (http://ctlt.ubc.ca/about-isotl/) to pay research assistants to help with a research study on peer feedback in Arts One (2013-2015).
  • I will receive an $800 matching travel grant from the Institute for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning at UBC to travel to a conference in November 2015 to present the results of the peer feedback study in Arts One.

Teaching and Learning Enhancement Fund projects

UBC has a grant program called the Teaching and Learning Enhancement Fund (http://tlef.ubc.ca/) that provides significant amounts of money each year for projects that improve teaching and learning at the university.

Other grants

  • I was either the primary applicant or the co-applicant for several grants from the UBC Vice Provost’s office to fund our Teaching Assistant Training program in the Philosophy Department
  • 2009-2010: $2732
  • 2010-2011: $5361
  • 2011-2012 (co-applicant): $2905